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How to properly clean a jersey?

classification: Release date:2016-12-03 14:58:05 [Return]

Cycling people know that washing uniforms is a cumbersome thing.

How to properly clean a jersey?

Spent a lot of money, bought a high-tech fabric equipment,

Moisture perspiration deodorant ... ...

However, the maintenance will damage the fabric.

Will not wash, damage the antibacterial properties, a sweat on the smelly.

so riding clothes how to wash?

First of all, in time to wash!

After riding down the riding clothes to put in a ventilated basket, do not put plastic bags, so that evaporation of sweat as soon as possible.
Timely washing sportswear, do not wash overnight. Sweating the skin, the above dirt, grease and bacterial penetration into the fabric, will result in loss of synthetic fiber clothing, "breathing" and perspiration capacity. Khan Jinjin shirt is the breeding ground for bacteria breeding smell, therefore, immediately after taking off with cold water to wash or start to dry can prevent the breeding of microorganisms. Such as the breeding of microorganisms, easily lead to skin discomfort.

Second, the longer time the more difficult the residue stains to clean, especially in the summer, do not wash in time, more terrible consequences is that a dress seems to have been washed, and sweat, sweat quickly decomposed by microbes,Issued a very smelly taste.Clothes become smelly solution

With a clothing disinfectant soak (compression clothing and other high-tech fabrics do not apply, use moderate neutral detergent liquid), 15ml against 3L water, cold water soak for 15min, and then machine wash.
Note that do pre-wash check

Pockets of debris, keys, coins, etc. have to clean up, most of the riding uniforms can be treated with washing machines, washing temperature requirements are also more broad. However, if the label on the clothes marked "hand wash", then be sure not to use washing machine wash. Wash clothes before they have to look at the instructions, do not wash bad clothes.

Girls sports underwear best hand wash, washing machine must be underwear into the laundry bag to avoid underwear deformation. In addition, a zipper riding windbreaker and the like, it is best to put in the laundry bag, you can prevent the zipper friction makes other clothes pilling.

Also be careful not to put a lot of clothes to the washing machine filled with washing! Two-thirds and below, wash out the clothes relatively clean.

Pay attention to the use of detergents

Many high-tech riding suits, are marked with a disinfectant and softener, because the detergent in the "attachment" may penetrate into the fiber, the fiber hardens, undermine its ability to absorb sweat and deodorant. Of course, you can buy sportswear special detergent, washing.

Wool riding suits, do not use softener, because they will form a layer of wool on the material, so that wool deodorant, dehumidification capacity weakened.

Some washing the market specifically for high-tech fabrics, can be studied.

Drying, the best not to dry riding clothes! It is best not see the sun's air-dried, and slowly dry.

Dry weather is very easy to produce odor. If you want to wear for a long time, do not put them into the dryer, because too much heat inside will smell into the fabric.